About Ananta Techno System
Quality Assurance
With a steadfast commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to delivering defect-free products, services, and solutions that precisely meet the unique requirements of our valued customers. Our unwavering focus ensures that we get it right the first time, every time, providing unmatched quality and satisfaction.
Our Business
Your trusted Industrial Automation Solution Provider. We leverage advanced technology to deliver high-quality, reliable, and cost-effective solutions. Our expertise lies in Programmable Logic Controllers (Mitsubishi - Japan), Computer Numeric Controllers (Fanuc - Japan), Industrial Machine Vision Sensors, and BarCode Readers and Verifiers (Cognex - Ireland). With a skilled technical team and strong sales presence in Indore, Pithampur, and Dewas, we ensure efficient operations and exceptional customer service.
Our Mission
To be the premier Solution and System Provider in Industrial Automation, delivering innovative and reliable solutions that exceed client expectations. Building lasting partnerships through expertise, excellence, and technological advancements.
Our Services
At Ananta Techno System, we offer comprehensive Value Added Services in every aspect of Industrial Automation. We serve as your trusted partner throughout the entire process, from Conceptualization to Commissioning to Training. Our services include:
- In-depth Concept Design studies
- Selection of optimal Controls, Instruments & Field Elements
- Panel Design and Construction
- Development of CNC, PLC, HMI, and Communication Software
- Programming and Thorough Testing
- On-site interfacing of Control, Electrical & Field Elements
- Efficient Commissioning
- Comprehensive Customer Training
With our expertise and dedication, we ensure seamless integration and successful implementation of automation solutions tailored to your specific needs.